In this culture, a stigma is laid on people who don't make the grade. Any culture applies stigma to people who don't fit into template, of course, and as cruel or wrong as that is it's kind of a feature of cultures. But what about people who don't keep up?
The poor, the homeless, the unemployed. These are viewed as lazy, shiftless, otherwise inferior based on their inability to hack it in a capital-based world.
But why are they inferior? They are inherently inferior because they're poor or unemployed, etc.; if they weren't inferior they wouldn't be in that position. Except that's bogus. We know that's bogus. Pure sociology denies it. Many, many factors create situations of people being poor, homeless, unemployed. Many of these are completely beyond their control. Some are completely unrelated to anything THEY do. Logic dictates therefore that there is nothing inherently inferior about someone who is homeless or unemployed. So why do we treat them like they are?